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Full Version: User Map with XThreads?
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1.8.14 and the map is still dead...any ideas on how to fix it up?
Any Javascript errors?
Hello, I will not see a map in the overview and in new posts. Have all the templates and thread fields as in the description taken and the umap.php I have enabled under plugins. And I only need the markerclusterer_packed.js from the MarkerClustererPlus package I have loaded it from github because the link from the description does not work.

Does anyone have an idea what the error can be?


best regards
Thanks with

async defer
src = ""
</ Script>

does it work on new thread and edit. However, no map is displayed on the threadlist page.

I have at  Settings Overrides

tplhtmlcomments = 0

And a empty umap_forumdisplay_threads_sep template.

(05-02-2018 02:21 AM)crow Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks with

async defer
src = ""
</ Script>

does it work on new thread and edit. However, no map is displayed on the threadlist page.

I have at  Settings Overrides

tplhtmlcomments = 0

And a empty umap_forumdisplay_threads_sep template.

The callback calls initMap function, while we use initialize function.
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