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Full Version: Stop ads from showing in the header and footer when a user is registering?
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Hello all,

How would I go about stopping the ads from showing in the header and footer when a user registers at my site? It's against the Google TOS to do so, so I want to fix it before I get in trouble with them. I'm not very good with PHP, as I can barely modify a template as it is.

Nathan Pinno
Do you mean in registration process (registration page)?
That's exactly what I mean!
Try this:

<if THIS_SCRIPT != 'member.php' || $GLOBALS['mybb']->input['action'] != 'register' then>
Your ads code here

Perfect, thanks a lot! It works like a charm!
To be honest, I doubt they really care, and I don't even really see how it's against their ToS.
But anyway, it's fair that people put it in header/footer and don't realise that it's on some pages it's not supposed to be on.
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