i wanna show just 2 categories forum on index.php
in index template, i found this
it will show my 4 Categories (All my categories)
but, i just wanna show 2 categories with FID 1 and 2, how to do that??
The easiest ways are (I think):
If you use
XThreads, you can hide it via the forum settings.
If you use the
Template Conditionals or
PHP in Templates / Complex Templates, you can wrap the entire
forumbit_depth1_cat template with this kind of code:
<if in_array($forum['fid'], array(x,y)) then>
The entire forumbit_depth1_cat template codes here
Replace X and Y with the category ID you want to display on index.
i tried it, and worked by me...
but, there is a problem with my template..
if, i zoom out on my web, Footer not be under the content,, but side my conntent??
what should i do??
nb. if i add DOT (.) after all codes on forumbit_depth1_cat this problem not worked

(09-08-2011 12:03 AM)dikers Wrote: [ -> ]but, there is a problem with my template..
if, i zoom out on my web, Footer not be under the content,, but side my conntent??
what should i do??
Only happen in index page? Could yo post your
index template?
(09-08-2011 12:03 AM)dikers Wrote: [ -> ]nb. if i add DOT (.) after all codes on forumbit_depth1_cat this problem not worked 
Could you give an example?