Yo Zinga!
Can you make tagging system to mybb?
I seen one on Mybbthemes
ur lovah - KacperOo
Thread tags? If not, can you explain?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Thread tags? If not, can you explain?
Yes, like they did on mybbthemes ; )
The tagging system used on MyBBThemes was a plugin that LeX- made and I used.
LeX- took his forum offline, so it is no longer available online.. remember, he left?... However, I think I can attach it if you really want it.
LeX- Left? I never knew that =0!! Wahhhhhhhhh!!!!11 *Sniffle*
It doesn't matter that much to me, I don't need it very much. But KacperOo might like to have it

Can someone send me his tag plugin ;(?