Would I be able to create separate custom fields for different forums through xthread.
For example i want an introduction forum and made the custom fields:
if yes would you please send me details how can i add custom fields through xthread.
thanks in advanced.
AdminCP -> Configuration -> Custom Thread Fields
that what i did, its show custom field when i create new thread, after submit thread, i cant see custom fields, can you please tell me how can i show custom fields in thread.
Firstly, if you've done that, please state so in your first post.
Secondly, ensure you've read
all of the instructions on the create custom thread fields page.
Thirdly, be comfortable with editing MyBB templates. If you aren't, don't use XThreads.
Lastly, if you're still struggling, look through
this example and ensure you understand every step and exactly what it does.
The "Thread Descriptions" tutorial is the simplest tutorial here, if you can understand it and do it by yourself, then you are ready to start using xThreads imo

Yeah. Actually, Yumi already provided us a guide for XThreads in the description under each settings when we create a custom thread fields.
For example, the description under the
Key setting:
Description of the Key setting Wrote:The key through which this field is accessed through. Should be kept to alphanumeric characters, underscores (_) and hypens (-) only. Note that only inputs for this field on newthread/editpost are automatically added for you; forumdisplay/showthread etc templates aren't affected, so you will need to make changes to the relevant templates for this to be useful. Use {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['key']} in templates to reference this field (this is slightly different for file inputs - more info given below if you choose to make a file input).
With the description above, we should know how to display the value of the custom thread field