You're doing basically what you did before (send a query for every single thread), which will net you the same performance issues as before (eg 1000 roundtrips).
But if you don't care, well...
(10-16-2011 06:01 AM)duhol Wrote: [ -> ]Is it good for now? I dont know how to get "total_count" from file content.
From your previous code, you parsed the XML, I would presume the same?
This is my code. Maybe it doesnt wise solution, but works. No facebook database errors, no my database errors, take about 8 minutes for 1000 threads.
So, I have to leave it that way and you dont want to tell me about other way.
PHP Code:
function task_top_fb($task)
global $mybb, $db, $lang;
$threads = array();
$query = $db->query("
while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$url = "".$thread['tid'];
$xml = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
foreach( $xml -> link_stat as $l)
$l -> total_count;
$total = $l -> total_count;
$db->update_query("threads", array('likes' => "{$total}"), "tid='{$thread['tid']}'", 1, true);
add_task_log($task, "Zadanie aktualizacji ilosci 'lubie to' zostalo wykonane. :P");