Uhm... I'm a bit confused now
The one I uploaded works - which it didnt before but I accidently deleted and upload so i put it back - and the SS worked... Uhm... but the others do not?
(10-18-2011 07:16 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]What's the Image Thumbnail Generation settings?
it was nothing - now i put as what you had it before i did the re upload now it works - should I rebuild or reupload?
Mkay I got it to work -

thanks for the help it was the thumb nail generator. Now whats with the stars not showing up on either template? My normal forums and the download ones - I'm not sure where this template would be
You can check the star_rating image path in your star_ratings.css under your theme's css styles.
(10-17-2011 07:57 PM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]I have some friends who also use mybb as their upload site and they split the categories as forums - so they have users upload and then they moderate the thread (basically checking it is a real thing before releasing into the downloads area) and approve.
My pals got round it by having the uploaders upload to one forum and then going to the forum and checking for unapproved posts. Once approved they move the thread and the "move" pm is the approval PM so an uploader knows their item is live o the board. Its still manual though, and without the alert for posts awaiting approval having something moved to another forum automatically is going to be a bigger pain if you intend to have an approval process.
If you're going to require approval for threads, I don't think there's any way around to get it to be automatic (a machine can't do the approval).
But this should work regardless of whether you're using separate forums, or thread fields for categorisation.
If you want the ability for users to edit their thread whilst unapproved, or a notice, similar to reported posts, about unapproved posts, I'd say they're probably suited as another plugin.
(10-18-2011 05:59 AM)HG-Bloodmorphed Wrote: [ -> ]No its kinda like a upload and download page. Where you have the upload topic and download category filled with category threads and those threads are filled with the said category.
You've lost me there.
A category filled with category threads which are filled with said category. Uh...?
I got ratings to work - now my "Post" Reply button doesnt go to that redirect thingy. weird. You have to refresh - I'll have to fix that later - or maybe i just have to clear cashe sense i reinstalled template.
Upload = upload page
Downloads = download PAGE (not a category)
-Mods (Category)
-Programs (category)
(10-18-2011 08:06 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ] (10-17-2011 07:57 PM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]I have some friends who also use mybb as their upload site and they split the categories as forums - so they have users upload and then they moderate the thread (basically checking it is a real thing before releasing into the downloads area) and approve.
My pals got round it by having the uploaders upload to one forum and then going to the forum and checking for unapproved posts. Once approved they move the thread and the "move" pm is the approval PM so an uploader knows their item is live o the board. Its still manual though, and without the alert for posts awaiting approval having something moved to another forum automatically is going to be a bigger pain if you intend to have an approval process.
If you're going to require approval for threads, I don't think there's any way around to get it to be automatic (a machine can't do the approval).
But this should work regardless of whether you're using separate forums, or thread fields for categorisation.
If you want the ability for users to edit their thread whilst unapproved, or a notice, similar to reported posts, about unapproved posts, I'd say they're probably suited as another plugin.
I agree Zinga - I am perfectly happy with what I have though - I was more trying to give some input to the OP on what kind of problems he could face - that's all.
(10-18-2011 08:12 AM)HG-Bloodmorphed Wrote: [ -> ]Anyways
Upload = upload page [new thread]
Downloads = download PAGE (not a category) [show thread]
-Mods (Category)
-Programs (category)
...I don't think you've really made anything clearer to me...