Does anyone know what might cause Pirate Nervo's Custom Status Plugin to work fine on one theme but not update on another? It is really weird! On my dark theme, it just spins after you change status and won't refresh until you refresh the browser.
Debug the Javascript - look at Firebug console.
It is of because how the mybb template system works, possible something was added to the working theme templates that wasn't in the non working one.
I tried to deactivate and uninstall...but as soon as I uninstall, I get this error on my portal page:
Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'custom_status' in 'field list'
SELECT uid,username,custom_status,custom_status_date FROM mybb_users WHERE custom_status != '' AND custom_status_date > 0 ORDER BY custom_status_date DESC
How can I just get rid of this plugin altogether?
The error says that you don't have custom_status field in your users table.
I think it is a bug with the uninstaller. It takes the tables out but the queries are still there. I'm just not sure how to completely get rid of it?
The only sure way is to go through all the code and see what it adds, and reverse it.
Otherwise, you really do have to trust that the uninstaller works.
If it's throwing SQL errors, you can try pushing it through, eg by adding a 'custom_status' column to your users table. No guarantee that it'll remove everything, but you could try it...
Just make sure you have a backup.
There is something weird with the theme...I tried to use another plugin that uses java and it works only on my main page. The java action doesn't work on my second theme?? What could be that different between two themes?
(12-02-2011 08:54 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Debug the Javascript - look at Firebug console.
(12-07-2011 08:49 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ] (12-02-2011 08:54 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Debug the Javascript - look at Firebug console.
OK, I have Firebug and all console panels enabled...but I honestly have no idea what to do or look for?