MyBB Hacks

Full Version: Hide Non Activated Users From Member List
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Requirement: XThreads
Based On: Dynamic Board Stats

Just a plugin that I want to share that will hide all users in Awaiting Activation usergroup from member list.

  • inline_action in AdminCP isn't covered by this plugin.
  • Run the Recount Statistics tools to synchronized the additional cache with the actual data if needed.
  • Admin not affected by this plugin.

Please tell me if there is something wrong with the code.
I'm still learning Biggrin
Wow, nice work RateU Smile

I probably wouldn't have made it as complex as you did (I'd just overwrite the MyBB cache directly), so good work on the effort you put in!
Thanks, Yumi Smile
I changed up the xtmn_hnau_stats function to also replace the number of registered users to the ones that are currently activated. There's probably a more efficient way to count up all the activated users.

PHP Code:
function xtmn_hnau_stats(){
	if($GLOBALS['mybb']->usergroup['cancp'] != 1){
		$lastreguser = $GLOBALS['cache']->read('xtmn_hnau_last_reg_users');
		if(!is_array($GLOBALS['stats'])) $GLOBALS['stats'] = $GLOBALS['cache']->read('stats');
		$GLOBALS['stats']['lastuid'] = $lastreguser['lastuid'];
		$GLOBALS['stats']['lastusername'] = $lastreguser['lastusername'];
		$GLOBALS['cache']->cache['stats'] = $GLOBALS['stats'];
		//modify member count on index stats too
		$query = $GLOBALS['db']->simple_select('users','COUNT(*) AS num_users','usergroup!=5');
		$activeusercount = $GLOBALS['db']->fetch_field($query, 'num_users');
		$GLOBALS['stats']['numusers'] = $activeusercount;
		$GLOBALS['cache']->cache['stats'] = $GLOBALS['stats'];
		//end modifications

Do a select COUNT(*) (also, ordering doesn't make any sense here)

PHP Code:
		$query = $GLOBALS['db']->simple_select('users','COUNT(*) AS num_users','usergroup!=5');
		$activeusercount = $GLOBALS['db']->fetch_field($query, 'num_users');

Note that you may wish to put an index on the usergroup column if you do this, as the query can be slow if there are a lot of users.

(04-05-2012 04:54 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Do a select COUNT(*) (also, ordering doesn't make any sense here)

PHP Code:
		$query = $GLOBALS['db']->simple_select('users','COUNT(*) AS num_users','usergroup!=5');
		$activeusercount = $GLOBALS['db']->fetch_field($query, 'num_users');

Note that you may wish to put an index on the usergroup column if you do this, as the query can be slow if there are a lot of users.

Updated the modification I made earlier to use that method for counting the number of active users. As for the indexing, I would set it up like this, correct?:

PHP Code:
function xtmn_hnau_activate(){
	// check if we have an index on the users table. If not, make it.
	if(!$db->is_fulltext("users") && $db->supports_fulltext_boolean("users"))
		$db->create_fulltext_index("users", "usergroup","activeuser");
	//end change here

function xtmn_hnau_deactivate(){
	// check if we have an index on the users table. If so, drop the index created by the plugin.
	//end change here

Please read up on MySQL indexing.  Full text indexing is something completely different.

It would be something like

PHP Code:
$db->write_query('ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'users ADD KEY `usergroup`(`usergroup`)');

EDIT: actually scrap that, MyBB already has an index on the usergroup column, never knew that.
In other words, you don't need to add the index.

Count the number of registered users in the Board Stats.

To upgrade, replace the old version with the new one.
Run the Recount Statistics tools.

Thanks, Yumi, ShadowKyogre Smile
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