quickLogin: function()
// omit quickLogin code below for make longform login standard at forum, but need to un-omit to make ACP forum management buttons and other forum display buttons work
var form = new Element("form", { method: "post", action: "member.php" });
form.insert({ bottom: new Element("input",
name: "action",
type: "hidden",
value: "do_login"
form.insert({ bottom: new Element("input",
name: "url",
type: "hidden",
value: this.HTMLchars(document.location.href)
form.insert({ bottom: new Element ("input",
name: "quick_login",
type: "hidden",
value: "1"
form.insert({ bottom: new Element("input",
name: "quick_username",
id: "quick_login_username",
type: "text",
value: lang.username,
"class": "textbox",
onfocus: "if(this.value == '"+lang.username+"') { this.value=''; }",
onblur: "if(this.value == '') { this.value='"+lang.username+"'; }"
}).insert({ bottom: "Username " });
form.insert({ bottom: new Element("input",
name: "quick_password",
id: "quick_login_password",
type: "password",
value: lang.password,
"class": "textbox",
onfocus: "if(this.value == '"+lang.password+"') { this.value=''; }",
onblur: "if(this.value == '') { this.value='"+lang.password+"'; }"
}).insert({ bottom: "Password " });
form.insert({ bottom: new Element("input",
name: "submit",
type: "submit",
value: lang.login,
"class": "button"
var span = new Element("span", { "class": "remember_me" }).insert({ bottom: new Element("input",
name: "quick_remember",
id: "quick_login_remember",
type: "checkbox",
value: "yes",
"class": "checkbox"
span.innerHTML += "<label for=\"quick_login_remember\"> "+lang.remember_me+"</label>";
form.insert({ bottom: span });
form.innerHTML += lang.lost_password+lang.register_url;
$("quick_login").innerHTML = "";
$("quick_login").insert({ before: form });
$("quick_login_remember").setAttribute("checked", "checked");
return false;
// put comment out here for above code to display only longform login, but get button problems at ACP and thread reply display