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Full Version: Dynamic Sig With Avatar
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Can you help me do some dynamic siggy with user avatar?

PHP Code:
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
include "global.php";
// Set Variable dri mybb
$Username = $mybb->user['username'];
$posts = $mybb->user['postnum'];
$duit = $mybb->user['newpoints'];
$icpic = $mybb->user['avatar'];
// Create Gambar
$image = imagecreatetruecolor(300,200);

// set variable untk letak kat string
$ip = "Ip Anda: $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]";
$username2 = "Username: $Username";
$duit2 = "Wang: $duit";
$posts2 = "Posts: $posts";

imagestring($image, 10, 20, 40, $username2, 0x00ff00);
imagestring($image, 10, 20, 70, $ip, 0x00ff00);
imagestring($image, 10, 20, 100, $posts2, 0x00ff00);
imagestring($image, 10, 20, 130, $duit2, 0x00ff00);
imagestring($image, 10, 210, 160, "", 0xFFFFFF);
imagecopymerge($image,$icpic, 20, 20, 20, 20, 100, 100, 70);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
imagepng($image, null, 9);

These some code that i already make but i can make that signature show user avatar.

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