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Full Version: [SOLVED] Change size of 'xthread' checkbox ?
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How to change the size of a checkbox (would like to make all larger) ?
Where to get info ?
(03-01-2012 04:53 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]

Thank you for the info !
The bigger part of the problem (and updated this post subject accordingly), seems to be where to find the checkbox in question.
Thought I had it, but after some T&E, seems not.
Checkbox was 'created' when added thread field at ACP/.../custom thread fields, and havent been able to determine where that checkbox is created.
Direction on that part ?
(03-02-2012 09:20 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]This thread may help :

Thanks much for the link !

Tried adding...
display: inline;
height: 30px;
width: 30px;}

And adding... class=''checkbox" at...

if($tf['editable'] != XTHREADS_EDITABLE_REQ) {
$tfinput[$k] .= ' <label id="xtarmlabel_'.$tf['field'].'">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="xtarm_'.$tf['field'].'" name="xtarm_'.$tf['field'].'" value="1"'.$rmcheck.' />'.$lang->xthreads_rmattach.'</label>';} 
else {
// javascript checkbox
$tfinput[$k] .= ' <label id="xtarmlabel_'.$tf['field'].'" style="display: none;">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="xtarm_'.$tf['field'].'" name="xtarm_'.$tf['field'].'" value="1"'.$rmcheck.' />'.$lang->xthreads_replaceattach.'</label>';}
$tfinput[$k] .= '</div>';
$jsext .= '($("xtarm_'.$tf['field'].'").onclick = function() {var c=$("xtarm_'.$tf['field'].'").checked;
$("xtarow_'.$tf['field'].'").style.display = (c?"":"none");
$("xtaname_'.$tf['field'].'").style.textDecoration = (c?"line-through":"");

But not change in textbox display... just not sure where (or maybe how? ) to edit code ?

Comments ?

Ps:  Also, cant remember (or seem to figure it out) if it is possible to add stylesheets at ACP or not ?

maybe try this in your css :

 width: 30px;
 height: 30px;

(03-02-2012 01:50 PM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]maybe try this in your css :

 width: 30px;
 height: 30px;

Thank you very much, that did it !
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