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Full Version: [Update] Fix registration display with 'redirect_registered' ?
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Its listed at member.php, but cant find at ACP templates list, global or default.
Tried browsing for a list of MyBB templates, but couldnt find.
What am missing ?
As far as I know, there is no redirect_registered template.
(03-04-2012 09:38 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know, there is no redirect_registered template.

Thank you for the feedback.
Seems that way, but wonder what member.php referring to ?
Have found a couple other template name errors in some other php files, so maybe this is another one ?

 * MyBB 1.6
 * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Website:
 * License:
 * $Id: member.php 5616 2011-09-20 13:24:59Z Tomm $
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'member.php');
define("ALLOWABLE_PAGE", "register,do_register,login,do_login,logout,lostpw,do_lostpw,activate,resendactivation,do_resendactivation,resetpassword");
$nosession['avatar'] = 1;
$templatelist = "member_register,error_nousername,error_nopassword,error_passwordmismatch,error_invalidemail,error_usernametaken,error_emailmismatch,error_noemail,redirect_registered,member_register_hiddencaptcha";
$templatelist .= ",redirect_loggedout,login,redirect_loggedin,error_invalidusername,error_invalidpassword,member_profile_email,member_profile_offline,member_profile_reputation,member_profile_warn,member_profile_warninglevel,member_profile_customfields_field,member_profile_customfields,member_profile_adminoptions,member_profile,member_login,member_profile_online,member_profile_modoptions,member_profile_signature,member_profile_groupimage,member_profile_referrals";
require_once "./global.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php";
$parser = new postParser;
// Load global language phrases
// Make navigation

The mention of that in the templatelist is probably a bug.  I'm guessing it really should be 'redirect'
(03-04-2012 11:59 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]The mention of that in the templatelist is probably a bug.  I'm guessing it really should be 'redirect'

Darn, am trying to fix the email activation (redirect) message display (scrnshot attached), and running out of possibilities for where might fix.

No idea how it got the way it did.

The redirect display field is about 1/3rd wider than all other display layout on the page.

Any suggestion on where to look ?

Sorry, should have mentioned main question in 1st post, but thought (mistakenly of course) that was on the path to figuring out with the 'lost template'.

Just received a reply to 'lost template:' question at MyBB forum, and word was that redirect_registered, in the following member.php code, is listing a language variable...

 * MyBB 1.6
 * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Website:
 * License:
 * $Id: member.php 5616 2011-09-20 13:24:59Z Tomm $
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'member.php');
define("ALLOWABLE_PAGE", "register,do_register,login,do_login,logout,lostpw,do_lostpw,activate,resendactivation,do_resendactivation,resetpassword");
$nosession['avatar'] = 1;

$templatelist = "member_register,error_nousername,error_nopassword,error_passwordmismatch,error_invalidemail,error_usernametaken,error_emailmismatch,error_noemail,redirect_registered,member_register_hiddencaptcha";

$templatelist .= ",redirect_loggedout,login,redirect_loggedin,error_invalidusername,error_invalidpassword,member_profile_email,member_profile_offline,member_profile_reputation,member_profile_warn,member_profile_warninglevel,member_profile_customfields_field,member_profile_customfields,member_profile_adminoptions,member_profile,member_login,member_profile_online,member_profile_modoptions,member_profile_signature,member_profile_groupimage,member_profile_referrals";

Does that make sense ?
If so, then will update my grey-cells database.

Display error caused by language text edit error at...
$l['redirect_registered_activation'] =
Still curious about template for that activation display, and what of template: 'redirect_registered' ?  
But maybe discover some day... seems like an unanswerable question at this point ?

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