My job as the creator of arc bb is more management. Which is why I am in search of coders, not a coder myself. Ideas have to come from a source (myself) and they are tasked to the dev team to be completed.
This is a paid position; so the delay is finding quality workers and not just hiring any joe shmoe to code. A team is being assembled to handle support and other duties including a future re-write. (which if we attain enough funding, we may just write the code from scratch and ditch mybb)
Thanks for the comments

Thing is, everyone wants to be a manager and not have to do any coding work. Any Joe can throw ideas forward.
As for quality of coders, that depends on how much you are willing to pay. But one does theorise that a project without any clear means of making money can't pay particularly well.
Still, MyBB pays their developers nothing, typically putting funds into useless stuff like buying a domain name.
well, I am a bit dumb I think - I don't see how mybb makes any money at all.....
There are no ads on the site - downloading the product is free. Plugins are free or you pay direct to the plugin maker. I don't get it really. If it was like concrete5, where the developers make top end plugins and sell them then I would see how. But with mybb? Where does the money come from?
It's not that I do not want to code...I don't have the time to learn really. I work for a living 50+ hours a week as a machinist and have a family so time is limited.
I incur all costs, hosting, domains, paying for devs it's not like I'm just saying: hey...make a fork of mybb
We may just end up ditching mybb altogether and start from scratch. I really wish I could get zinga and rateu to hop on board.....

(03-28-2012 09:47 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]well, I am a bit dumb I think - I don't see how mybb makes any money at all.....
There are no ads on the site - downloading the product is free. Plugins are free or you pay direct to the plugin maker. I don't get it really. If it was like concrete5, where the developers make top end plugins and sell them then I would see how. But with mybb? Where does the money come from?
They don't make money.
People donate their time to either develop or support the product.
They're hosted on some overpriced server, which are pretty much most of their costs, but they somewhat make that back from donations or text ads on the downloads page.
(03-28-2012 11:52 AM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]It's not that I do not want to code...I don't have the time to learn really. I work for a living 50+ hours a week as a machinist and have a family so time is limited.
In which case, one wonders what you can really bring to the table with such limited time.
It's not like everyone else doesn't work either.
I can appreciate your reservations but this project will continue regardless. Thanks for the c/c guys

Forking commence !
If you didn't see my updated url -
Feel free to help out if your feeling frisky

Just a heads up zinga, your mods are going to be included with our package as stated in PM.
And thanks again, I appreciate it !