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Full Version: Additional Settings For Custom Profile Fields [1.2]
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I've created a single profile field for testing purposes in this.

brad-t kindly provided his usercp template and directed me to the plugin on page 6 of this thread. I've installed it, and (for the purposes of this test), pasted his template verbatim into my usercp template. I changed the $xtpf_minp variables to the right fid (11) and did everything as directed in the examples (page 6).

The fields don't show up. Aww They're just blank. How can I get them to display properly?
You need the attachment in the first post too.
I've got it. Otherwise I would have realized when I was modifying the input.
Anyone know?

Edit: I fixed it. It was the theme. They reappeared when I installed Apart Clean.
Edit - never mind, apologies. i was using {$userfields['fid2']} in my member_profile template instead of the correct variable of {$xtpf['fid2']}. ill leave the below text in case anyone makes a dumb mistake like me.

hi, i had another question: i'm using the mybb editor (as seen in your post), and everything looks good. the only thing is that the Mycode does not work on the actual profile page, but HTML seems to work.

the settings are set to make sure no HTML is allowed, and Mycode is allowed. this is the default FID2 About profile field i'm trying to get mycode to work with.

is there anything special i need to do to make the mycode work?
Yeah, (I think) $userfields variable is not sanitized in profile page, so try to not use it directly there, or at least sanitize it first if you want to use it directly in member_profile template.
Hello there,

I have a trouble, it is I can't save any changes with Profile Fields in UCP (of course I add the hidden input, the template code for UCP, download and installed UCP Main Page...) when I click to Save, it will rollback me to before saving... (blank)

But in the profile page, it still update (what I changed in UCP but we can only see blank - it mean no changes in UCP)

Anyone else met this? If yes please help me learn how to solve that. Thanks a lot.
Not fully understand what you mean. Do you mean by the "blank" is a blank (white) page?
Or do you mean that the value entered/supplied is not stay in the profile fields input?
What is your usercp templates code?
(11-18-2012 05:29 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Or do you mean that the value entered/supplied is not stay in the profile fields input?
What is your usercp templates code?

Sorry for my bad english, I mean blank is the value entered is not stay in the profile fields input after we save it.

I put this in my usercp template code:


(Like brad-t, I follow his introduction in

Please check my previous post, I really really need it. Thanks you Frown
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