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Full Version: Additional Settings For Custom Profile Fields [1.2]
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I don't think anything else is needed - if he wants to output data, he can simply use {$mybb->user['fidX']} instead of {$xptf_minp['fidX']}. I think it also should be sanitised, for example like this:


Here ist the german language for version 1.2.

Is it possible this translation on the German support page offer?
You're free to do that.
Thank you
Is it possible to still function for a input field to add for wordwrap?
Hello there!

Is there any possibility to rewrite this to be shorter?

PHP Code:
<if $xtpf['fid33'] || $xtpf['fid34'] || $xtpf['fid35'] || $xtpf['fid36'] || $xtpf['fid37'] || $xtpf['fid38'] || $xtpf['fid39'] || $xtpf['fid40'] || $xtpf['fid41'] || $xtpf['fid42'] then> ... </if>

For example by using an array?

You could use an array, but it probably won't be much shorter, if at all.
Hi guys!  I have installed this plugin in hopes of adding HTML to a custom profile field and then displaying that field on the postbit...but the HTML is not displaying in the profile field created by the custom field.  Am I missing something?  [img] code is not working either.  I sure could use a friendly helping hand here!  Biggrin
I'm positive that I am off on the settings for Blank Replacement Value and Display Format...what do I need to do to get an [img] image to show in the postbit as well as profile page?  I am at a complete loss here...Erf
customfields reorganized in Modcp edit profile?

Will this plug allow me to do this? I have alot of custom profile fields and would like to group them better and add anchor links at the top of the page to quickly access the ones my mods need to edit more frequently
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