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Full Version: Imgs not displaying
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Okay first of all, thanks for creating this to begin with. I think this is an excellent tool.

On to my issue.
I have gone through quite a bit of just about everything (atleast what I could find) on this plug in. I have gone through everything multiple times but for some reason, my test img isn't displaying, [thumbnail or img]. The threads and all are coming out looking proper, granted I only have the test img so far. Anywho, the only issue is that its not displaying. Did I miss some step? Where do I find the Force upload? Any help plz.

Thread Here

Thank you.

okay, update.
Looking through the files, this is saving them as: file_3_7c4a1b1e_blahblahblah_png.upload file type. Is this correct or is there some thing I need to make changes to?
Did you upload the xthreads_attach.php file?
(05-12-2012 12:51 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Did you upload the xthreads_attach.php file?

Yeah, but I don't think I have it in the correct folder. Now, the folder via downloaded zip indicates it should be in xthreads/upload.
I have it in plugins/upload. The only other upload type folder is uploads. I even tried installing it there but it didn't work either.
OOOoo, I just found it. Thank you for your quick reply and advice. BTW, you guys rock with these plugins and the helpful support! Thank you.
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