MyBB Hacks

Full Version: changing or adding to the redirect message through a plugin
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I am writing a small plugin for my site which displays a certain message if the user has <25 messages on the redirect page. The only issue I am facing is that I can't seem to append to it.

I can get everything to trigger but just cant get the message from the redirect and add anything to it.

Can anyone point me to how I can hook into $message on the redirect page?

I did a var dump of $mybb and can't find that language string there anywhere

My code so far is
* MyBB 1.6
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
* Website:
* License:
* $Id: hello.php 5754 2012-03-09 14:58:03Z Tomm $

// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");

$plugins->add_hook("redirect", "redirect_new_user);

function redirect_new_user_info()
* Array of information about the plugin.
* name: The name of the plugin
* description: Description of what the plugin does
* website: The website the plugin is maintained at (Optional)
* author: The name of the author of the plugin
* authorsite: The URL to the website of the author (Optional)
* version: The version number of the plugin
* guid: Unique ID issued by the MyBB Mods site for version checking
* compatibility: A CSV list of MyBB versions supported. Ex, "121,123", "12*". Wildcards supported.
return array(
"name" => "Redirect new user!",
"description" => "This displays a specific redirect message to users who have less than 25 posts",
"website" => "",
"author" => "Dannymh",
"authorsite" => "t",
"version" => "1.0",
"guid" => "",
"compatibility" => "*"

function redirect_new_user()
global $mybb;

if($mybb->user["postnum"]<=25) {



This forces the redirect but there is nothing in $mybb array that has the message that is displayed and i cant seem to find how I can tap into that.

Can anyone tell me how I might achieve this?


PHP Code:
$plugins->add_hook('redirect', 'herp');
function herp(&$args) {
  $args['message'] = 'herpy derpy';

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