MyBB Hacks

Full Version: Show latest article, link, recipe, etc. on portal
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I'm certain that this request is just a creation of a template and a modification of the portal's main one.

How would I go about showing the latest article, recipe, link, etc. that I can create using Xthreads on the portal similar to the latest announcements?

I'm confident that it could be based off the announcements template of the portal, but I'm not certain how I'd do this.

Thanks for the help in advance!
(08-12-2012 09:05 AM)WhiteEagle Wrote: [ -> ]I'm confident that it could be based off the announcements template of the portal, but I'm not certain how I'd do this.
Neither am I.
Might be best if you played around with it.
Then again, the announcements are partly controlled by a couple of settings in the admincp, a plugin might be required after all.

I might get Yaldaram to make it for me.
I think RateU wrote a plugin to show certain threads from a forum in the portal, you can modify it to your needs.

Also, tough MyBB needs settings to control over announcements, you are not going to change your recipes forum to often (if at all), you can just as well hardcode the fid in the files (the same applies to the thread field key).
I guess I could do that, but I'm no expert at doing stuff like this.
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