i had xthread on my board and after upgrading to 1.6.11 the forum index.php will disable, i don know why? then i disable the xthread plugin and everything seems ok.
please check it, is it my problem or need some core changes. thanks
I'm assuming you just get a white page when you mean "disable".
Are any errors displayed? I can't remember exactly what MyBB does with the PHP error handler, but if errors are hidden, try turning on the PHP display_errors setting.
You may also wish to check any templates that are loaded on the forum index.
yes yes white page i meean that
can you wait please then i can send you the error?
but i think, the server manager disabled phpinfo
edit #1:
i tryed with default template and the white page came again
edit #2: i trun php error log and said nothing except 500 internal
edit #3: i found this
http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthre...http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=1 but nothing in it helped me.
edit #4: my site is working cuz i disabled the awesome xthreads
sry 4 my poor english, i always try to search then if i didnt get the answer ill ask, thanks for your help
its a board about birds specialy canary and parrot
(10-16-2013 06:40 PM)mtkarimi Wrote: [ -> ]yes yes white page i meean that
can you wait please then i can send you the error?
but i think, the server manager disabled phpinfo
edit #1:
i tryed with default template and the white page came again
edit #2: i trun php error log and said nothing except 500 internal
edit #3: i found this http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthre...http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=1 but nothing in it helped me.
sry 4 my poor english, i always try to search then if i didnt get the answer ill ask, thanks for your help
its a board about birds specialy canary and parrot
The site seems to be working now. Were you able to fix the problem? If so, can you share with us please.
i used
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag html_errors on
php_flag log_errors on
php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/PHP_errors.log
nothign is diplayed or logged
Maybe open up index.php, and just below the <?php line, add the following:
PHP Code:
ini_set('display_errors', true);
I don't know whether this has any effect, as I know that MyBB does something with error handling.
A 500 error most likely indicates a PHP error so something should theoretically show.
Another problematic area other than templates may be a corrupt cache/xthreads_evalcache.php file. Try deleting that file.
your the god of php
here is the error
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2572109 bytes) in /home/birdsong/domains/birdsong.ir/public_html/inc/plugins/xthreads.php on line 860
i deleted that file, the error still is there even with ctrl + f5
edit #1:
i removed $objserial = serialize($obj); from line 860... but then forum will show but xthread is nothing there

gooood plz i want mybb just for this plugin
edit #2: i called the server and they alocate me more memory
i hope nothing will happen badly
do you have any idea?
Please do not go about randomly deleting lines of code or files. They are there for very specific reasons and modifying things without knowing what they do can cause greater problems.
64MB is quite a lot of memory to use for a script, and it's there for good reason. In other words, you shouldn't be raising the limit.
Look at the debug stats that MyBB prints out at the bottom of each page. On various pages, what's the memory usage? Try with XThreads enabled and disabled. This should give you an idea of whether it's causing the memory issues.
without xthread disabled:
Generated in 0.2750680 seconds (86.89% PHP / 13.11% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 271 / Global Parsing Time: 0.1427610 / Memory Usage: 54.75 MB
PHP version: 5.2.17 / Server Load: ناشناس / GZip Compression: Enabled
[advanced details]
with xthread enabled:
Generated in 0.3348479 seconds (92.96% PHP / 7.04% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 272 / Global Parsing Time: 0.1147749 / Memory Usage: 93.25 MB
PHP version: 5.2.17 / Server Load: ناشناس / GZip Compression: Enabled
[advanced details]
And which page is this on? Have you tried multiple different pages? (index, showthread, forumdisplay etc)
271 queries is NOT right, and neither is 54.75MB memory usage. For reference, here's what I get on the index page on this forum:
Quote:Generated in 0.0226071 seconds (89.64% PHP / 10.36% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 8 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0059030 / Memory Usage: 2.75 MB
Check your plugins - there's probably something causing all that load. The "advanced details" link may be of use for tracking down queries.
XThreads adding 40MB is also unusual, but it's possible that its memory usage correlates with other plugins, so I'd check your other plugins first.