(05-01-2010 04:36 AM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]I had to stop distributing my Soft Delete Posts/Threads plugin for a bug I was not able to fix.
Not sure if yours has this issue too but I'm going to point out that it might have. The problem is in pagination, pagination counts with (approved posts only) so if delete posts are approved the pagination will be messed up. Not sure if you get what I mean.
Great plugin though 
I'm not too sure as you may be doing something different.
In this plugin, approving a deleted post = undelete, so it will properly restore the thread counters and all...
This is how I did it:
- New field in both, posts and threads tables.
- Delete would soft delete and change the new field to "true".
- Restore would set the field to "false".
- Then posts and threads whose value is "true" are not shown to regular users in forumdisplay.php and showthread.php, only to moderators and administrators.
However, this messes up pagination because if there were 10 soft deleted threads and the setting for threads per page on forum display was set to 11 for example, it would show 1 thread only.

Mine is similar, however the "deleted" column is synced with the "visible" column, so a deleted thread automatically gets unapproved, and approving it will automatically undelete the thread/post. So as long as MyBB does its pagination right, this plugin shouldn't suffer from that...
(05-02-2010 08:54 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Mine is similar, however the "deleted" column is synced with the "visible" column, so a deleted thread automatically gets unapproved, and approving it will automatically undelete the thread/post. So as long as MyBB does its pagination right, this plugin shouldn't suffer from that...
Oh Ok then, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss this one but I should have thought you hadn't, you rarely do lol
Thanks for the pointer nonetheless

Updated to v1.2.
- fix issue with thread/forum pagination with deleted posts/threads; note that MyBB is also partly affected by a similar issue: http://dev.mybboard.net/issues/1038
- fix search template conflict with XThreads
- some MyBB 1.6 beta compatibility fixes
- deleted posts are now hidden in the list of posts for delete/merge/split selective posts moderation tools
- fix some bugs with merging deleted threads
- fix bug which allowed deleted posts to be merged/split
- fix bug with splitting posts to make the source thread deleted
- fix bug with uninstalling the plugin
- modify copy thread behaviour - now, copying a thread will skip all deleted posts (that is, deleted posts won't be present in the copied thread); previously, they'd be copied, but would be undeleted
Note that these updates require an upgrade script to be run. If you're upgrading from v1.0 or v1.1, upload the softdelete_upgrade.php to your forum's root, and run the script, afterwards, delete it.
Also note this MyBB bug has been found:
http://dev.mybboard.net/issues/1048 I actually wrote a partial fix for this, before realising that this is MyBB's issue (this won't really cause any majory side effects).
I need help uninstalling Soft Delete. I need to reinstall it because I added a few themes. I get this error when I try and uninstall it.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function softdelete_moderation_do_purge() in /home/vhosts/www.mydomain.com/forum/inc/plugins/softdelete/sd_admin.php on line 186
Great plugin by the way.

Please use v1.2 of Soft Delete. v1.1 has that bug.
If I just delete Soft Delete v1.1 (PHP Files) (without deactivating the plugin), will it damage my forum?
Don't know why you'd do that, but it *might* be fine, except it leaving random traces of the plugin here and there.
I don't recommend it however.