If you look at the forum now, I've forced the forum id to the default theme. Note: I've checked - Save. Then Edit the forum again, unchecked - Save. Edit again, checked - save. Now, the forum id = 2 forced to the default style. Other forum use custom theme (unchecked condition). It still work for me. You can see the difference between the theme at the header.
EDIT: What I meant with the default theme is the MyBB default theme. I have two theme there, MyBB default theme and a custom theme.
I have it fixed RateU. I think it is because of the updates and so on to 1.6 for me....all very odd.
Ah... Glad you can solve the problem, Lee

(08-18-2010 04:42 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]So today I took that force style off and resaved the forum. It took a little bit longer than usual to save. I went into the forum and the xthreads option I had added was visible. Then I went back to the forum settings, and put the original force style back on again. It saved pretty quickly, and when I went back into the forum - the X_thread setting was there.
That's very odd. XThreads doesn't care about forcing styles or not - MyBB handles all that.
The only thing that makes sense there is perhaps if MyBB's forum cache somehow got messed up. FYI, simply commiting an edit to the forum refreshes the forum cache.
Templates wise, I was thinking a custom theme template may be overriding one you've defined.
Say you're using theme "MyTheme" (it doesn't matter if it's forced or not) and a template prefix of "pref_", then MyBB/XThreads will try to load the first template (say the "header" template), according to this order: [note, in form templateset.templatename]
Hey zinga, the upgrader message does not disappear. Do I need to chmod any files for it to be able write to somewhere or something? I've moved to a VPS yesterday so I still need to fix some permissions here and there and not sure if XThreads need it.
I've ran the upgrader twice because I wasn't sure if I had clicked it (since the message was there), do I have to rollback anything manually now?
Actually, nothing has really been "upgraded" in the previous few releases, so it doesn't matter so much. It's just to update the internal version number.
But do check that you have cache/xthreads.php and check if the version specified there looks valid. The cache directory should be writable, as per MyBB requirements.
Yeap the cache directry is writable (777) but I had to chmod the xthreads.php file to 777 too.
Anyway, does uploads/xthreads_ul need to be chmodded to 777 too? I think so
Yes, in general, everything in the uploads/ folder needs to be writable (including subfolders).
Yeap that's what I did and it worked, thank you

Out of interest, if you don't mind saying, where are you using XThreads? Am just interested to see what sort of stuff you've come up with