No I was testing on my host.....
On localhost the problem does not occur.......
I was using PHP version 5.2...
Some days ago I reinstalled mybb and imported the threads, post, users, etc table from the previous installation....
can this problem happen due to this????
If you imported a database, you might want to double-check your templates, including those from all template sets.
Also, could possibly be a conflict with another plugin (could you list these?).
I can't really think of anything else unfortunately.
I did not imported the whole database and I did not imported the template table.
Plugins that I am using are:
Admins can log into Users' accounts (1.0)
Advanced Quick Reply Form
Framed Avatar (Online,Ofline,Away) (3.0)
Color Notes (CSS extras) + bonus stuff (1.4)
Default Profile (2.1.0)
FancyZoom (1.2)
Fast way to change reputation (1.3.1)
Google Analytics (1.5)
Google SEO (1.1.13)
PL9 Forum Icons (1.1)
Private Messages Admin (2.4.1)
reCAPTCHA Plugin (1.3)
Trash Can Forum (2.0)
XThreads (1.10)
That's a fair bit... Are you able to try a clean install on localhost with XThreads with that product review forum, and add plugins one at a time to pinpoint which plugin is causing this?
Oh, also try it with the default theme on your host to see if it's a theme issue.
(06-06-2010 05:38 PM)sept Wrote: [ -> ]The second problem has been resolved...
I'm really sorry for that problem, Sept
For the Product Review Forum, I have a live demo for that. So, you can see it in a live forum:
You can see the reply post doesn't use postbit_first template there.
(06-06-2010 10:28 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]That's a fair bit... Are you able to try a clean install on localhost with XThreads with that product review forum, and add plugins one at a time to pinpoint which plugin is causing this?
Oh, also try it with the default theme on your host to see if it's a theme issue.
OK I got the conflicting plugin, it is PL9 Forum Icons (1.1)...
So whats now??
it would be great if you help solving the problem..
Wow, thanks for going to all that effort sept!
Interesting - though it doesn't seem like the plugin should be interfering. I'll have to look into this tomorrow.
Ahh, I see the reason. It's because it's using an older version of my PHP in Templates plugin which has an issue with template cache modifications.
Use this instead:
I've removed all the phptpl code, so you'll need to use this with the latest version of the PHP in Templates plugin:
Functionally, it'll be the same.
Hopefully that fixes it for you.
Thanks again for reporting the issue! (and going to all that effort)

Thanks, it is working now...........