Hi Zinga, I am having a problem with some of the custom threads not showing correctly - I am seeing the {VALUE} tag instaed of the thread field content - can you advise how I can fix it?
Here is a link to my forum to show what I mean
If you would like an admin link to my forum to see how I have the custom thread fields set up I will PM you one.
It looks like its textboxes and checkboxes that are affected.
Grr, I must be doofy today.
v1.22 up. Didn't fix the thing properly in my last version.
*Lee trots off to get it. Thanks Zinga.
EDIT Yup that fixed it. Thank you.
Sweet, glad that worked, and sorry for all the trouble.
Awesomesauce! The filter now works with the pagination. That makes it officially better than core mybb pagination. Yay.
A huge changes list and new features! Thank you very much, Yumi! I really really love the "Hide Forum" feature. I don't need to use my crap plugin any more to hide specified forum id(s) from index

I will edit my sample.
Possible problem: I tried to rebuild thumbnails from the ACP and got this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function xthreads_get_attach_path() in /customers/leefish.nl/leefish.nl/httpd.www/mybb/inc/xthreads/xt_admin.php on line 692
Psh, another bug? I really didn't do too well did I?
Thanks leefish. Updated to v1.23.
Aww, Zinga don't be too hard on yourself. I read in your blog that you are not gonna have a lot of time free for a while having two jobs an' all, so I think its great that you have worked to get this updated rather than abandoning us...
(07-04-2010 11:00 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Awesomesauce! The filter now works with the pagination. That makes it officially better than core mybb pagination. Yay.
I've just realized it

Even now we can combine the XThreads filtering system with MyBB sorter system. Another Yumi's magic