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I have updated both boards to the last MyBB and xThreads version and the issue doesn't seems to be related to those two scripts directly.
For the review_movie_madmax.jpg image, what is the file name saved in the ts_* ?


Which seem about correct.

What happen if you use this URL?


Same white page.
What happen if you use a random URL? For example:


Same white page.

Edit: This does not happens in the functioning board..
Ugh.... It should displaying 404 Not Found page: Specified attachment not found.
I tracked the issue to the following line in xthreads_attach.php:

PHP Code:
$match[3] = dechex(xthreads_attach_decode_hash(hexdec($match[3])));

I reverted XTHREADS_EXPIRE_ATTACH_LINK from 604800 to 0 to stop this in the meanwhile.

Now I can access the file directly but thumbnails were not available, so I reverted XTHREADS_ATTACH_USE_QUERY as well from 2 to 0 and it all seems to be functional.

Thank you RateU!

Never thought about the expire link setting before.
But I think it should displaying the 404 "Specified attachment not found. It's possible that the link has expired - try going back, refresh the page, and access the attachment again." page, not only a blank/white page.

I don't know whether it is a bug or not, but you need to wait Yumi to reply.
Reference URL's