(01-24-2012 12:15 AM)kyuubie Wrote: [ -> ]I just looked this http://www.14.mynie.co.cc/forumdisplay.php?fid=20
there on bottom of every post there is "read more", how is the way to show it?
Put the link (you can try to use
{$threadurl} variable) in the template (depends on where you want to apply it).
(01-24-2012 12:15 AM)kyuubie Wrote: [ -> ]the fisrt paragraph of post is on the top side of image, how to make it like that because i ever try to make new thread on mybb and add some image but the first paragraph is on the bottom of image not on the top side of image
If the image tags wrapped by a div, you can try to float the div (in the screenshot above, it floated to the left).
(01-24-2012 01:55 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Put the link (you can try to use {$threadurl} variable) in the template (depends on where you want to apply it).
i have created blog forum just like the tutorial, but the post shows full post and it looks terrible on portal page. so i want to apply it (read more) on portal page, but i dont know in which template that i have to put that variable in, can you show me the way please
(01-24-2012 01:55 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]If the image tags wrapped by a div, you can try to float the div (in the screenshot above, it floated to the left).
thank you it works and looks great now

This tutorial doesn't cut off text shown in the portal.
You can try one of
RateU's examples which use the thread tooltip plugin to provide a summary. Note that it doesn't use the MyBB portal.
I use a simple script for xtblog.php
First of all thanks a lot for that plugin.
i am using that plugin for How Android site blog part example :
i want to change portal.php to blog.php and 1 more things how i can new post that blog section ?
Please suggest me
2.Add this forum's ID to the list of forum IDs pulled for the portal page
where ? i can add ID's
Live Site:
^ This falls under general MyBB support. Please ask on a MyBB support forum.
How does one update this line with 1.8 and the new images?
<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}"
(12-22-2014 02:05 PM)Mark2x Wrote: [ -> ]How does one update this line with 1.8 and the new images?
<td class="{$bgcolor}" align="center" valign="top" width="1"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}"
Edit: I assume something with this code?
<div title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="subforumicon subforum_{$lightbulb['folder']} ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}"></div>
Please excuse the necroposting.
Does this addon still work with 1.6.17?
Also: I would like to add a blog *in addition* to the regular forum (without needing to bridge Wordpress). All I have see in the surviving examples are where forums have been turned into blogs.
how can we get this to work for 1.8 versions?