MyBB Hacks

Full Version: Is Admin Post Edit Broken in 1.4.13 ?
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You can change the user, not username to anything arbitrary (unless you make it a guest post).
I floowed all insrtuction in this thread: I Installed
Did this edit:
When editing a post, The field are correctlly checked and filled with time, post's user and ip
I delete original post's user then I put the new username
However, nothing happened!! The post is still under original post's user
Can Anyone confirm if Admin Post Edit  is working with 1.6  please?
Would like to know that as well, when yes, is it possible to make it accesable for moderators?
Try it and report back?

For moderators, I'd assume you could just replace all instances of

$mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1


!is_moderator($GLOBALS['fid'], "caneditposts")

It works fine for me, only the last post thing is wrong.
Pages: 1 2
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