How can I hide the ip of admin at online list? I know that I can choose the superadmins can not view the ip at online list but that hides it for all members. I want them to view other members ip but not admin ip? Is this possible please?
Another thing I would be very grateful if I got help with is how to disable links in the signature. Only links.
Thank you.
Haven't tried, so you'll probably need to amend it, but with PHP in Templates plugin, something like this in the template online_row
replace {$user_ip} with
<if $user['usergroup'] != 4 then>{$user_ip}</if>
Thank you for your answer. I tried it but it didnt work. Can you please tell me if I can use an if conditional at the online.php file to hide the ip of superadmin?
What about not allowing links only in signature, is that possible? Even with core edits. Sorry for my many questions.
(08-20-2010 03:26 AM)tonoshi Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for your answer. I tried it but it didnt work. Can you please tell me if I can use an if conditional at the online.php file to hide the ip of superadmin?
You weren't clear on what you asked. I assumed you wanted to hide the IPs of all admins.
You can only use conditionals in templates with PHP in Templates plugin. I'm not editing the online.php file (and the code isn't there anyway, it's in inc/functions_online.php)
Haven't tried, perhaps use something like this:
<if !is_super_admin($user['uid']) then>{$user_ip}</if>
(08-20-2010 03:26 AM)tonoshi Wrote: [ -> ]What about not allowing links only in signature, is that possible? Even with core edits. Sorry for my many questions.
Sorry, I forgot to answer this one.
This is probably relatively difficult to do.
Perhaps you could set up a <div> around your signatures, with a certain class, then have some CSS in your theme, such as:
div.signatures a { display: none; }
However, note that this just hides links - they aren't actually removed from the signature.
Thank you very much. It worked great