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Hello, is there a mod/plugin that makes the forum invite only?
I have seen some plugins elsewhere but they are not working reliably.

Actually I am also looking for a good working plugin that forces/redirects members to a thread (rules) once they have registered. Same story as above, it's elsewhere but it does not work correctly.

Thanks! Smile
Can you please elaborate "Invite Only" ? As I am thinking an useful for my forum too.
I think it means that people can only register if they have an invite from someone else.
(08-25-2010 11:27 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I think it means that people can only register if they have an invite from someone else.

Goody! It would be glad to me too if we have a Plugin designed to "Invite only".
recommended. Biggrin
I think Nickman from has developed something like this years ago. Try searching it on the site.
Only found this anno 2007. But can be basic to prog an upgrade.
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