Hi, the problem seems to be this -> Viewable by Usergroups: administrators
I unchecked everything in Viewable by Usergroups and works. And when I click from list in ACP I go to the top of threadfield and not in bottom of page.
Then in forumdisplay_thread I have used this code:
PHP Code:
<if $mybb->user['usergroup'] == 1 && ($GLOBALS['threadfields']['hide']) == 'hide' then>
Please login or register to show this thread.
You're a member and you can see all threads you want.
In ACP settings for threadfield:
Checked Hide input field on New/edit thread and Hide on Show thread
Editable by / Required Field? Administrators
Values List:
In Input Field Options nothing, only 40 for Field Input Width, 1 for Field Input Height, Yes for Capture Tab Key and No for Use Custom Input HTML.
Instead in Output Options:
Blank Replacement Value: hide
Display Format: {VALUE}
Viewable by Usergroups: nothing checked
Anyway also if there isn't usergroup for Viewable by Usergroups, if I'm a member I don't see thread field, only if I'm admin I can see and edit it (because I have put "Editable by / Required Field? Administrators" I think).
I (admin) create a new thread, I don't set show/hide, it's on (not set) -> if you're guest you don't see thread; if you're member you see thread
A user creates a new thread, he/she doesn't choose show/hide (and it's ok) -> if you're guest you don't see thread; if you're member you see thread.
I (admin) change "hide" thread field from (not set) to show -> now also guests can see thread. If I re-choose "hide", guests again don't see thread.
In the end, now it seems works