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Full Version: XThreads Feature
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(10-31-2010 01:38 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]There's nothing stopping a script from exporting anything as a script...

Now that will be awesome

(10-31-2010 02:44 PM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Making it a  attachable plugin type will make it more complex to write. I was suggesting something like import and export type so that everyone(who does not know php but html/css) can import setting and use it on other forums..

Well, now I'm getting a bit confused..... I thought the idea was to have an export/import custom thread fields (a bit like the custom pages mods we see) - and the templates to be uploaded similar to the way we upload themes. That way we can develop on a test system and quickly move all the info across to a live system.

I do see that that can mean that we will have requests to modify this that and the other in our "plugins" (aka our templates & custom thread fields settings for a particular setup) - when really 90% of the time its a case of looking at the HTML/css and adapting it.

I was suggesting something that can export whole xthread settings and custom field for a particular forum in one file...
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