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Full Version: Help Gallery xthread
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I want to post this gif
[Image: tumblr_nmo3gtahpy1ticmhoo1_500.gif]
in url mode in my gallery xthread

but it can't be posted
always refresh if i click post thread
how i fix this?
thanks Biggrin
Does it work if you change "https" to "http"?
still didn't work  for gif ... should it affect the size?
how to automatically turns https to http?
sorry for my bad english
(04-30-2015 05:02 PM)HumanError Wrote: [ -> ]still didn't work  for gif ... should it affect the size?
Of course your maximum filesize restrictions do come into play.

(04-30-2015 05:02 PM)HumanError Wrote: [ -> ]how to automatically turns https to http?
Why do you want to do this?
forget about https Biggrin

how to resize the image ?
Reference URL's