hi... i still haven't figured out how to get portal pages like
http://wiiloaded.com where you would have pages at the bottom so people can go to older news or in my case reviews.... i'm the admin at http//wiidebate.com and our users frequently write reviews so i dont want to make the page long by letting the portl pages allow 10 reviews... so i was wondering how i can do this?
Thanks a lot..
p.s. love the mods
are you talking about this?:
Moved to General Discussion
Hopefully thats the right place.

I moved this to plugin requests, as hockeyhero is basically requesting a modification.
(General Discussion was originally intended to discuss things like "what plugin is better?" or MyBB updates etc, though I don't think it has much purpose - and I may remove the section altogether).
Anyway, I have something similar at
http://zingaburga.com/ (bottom of page).
It's not too difficult a modification.
Here ya go:
ill try to get it right next time