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Just wondering if there was a code edit/plugin I could use to allow members to filter threads by prefix.
I know I could use xthreads, but would like to make use of the core prefix feature.

This has been asked several times on the support forum, but still no definitive answer on how to accomplish this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you have to look around the search.php file about "Search thourgh Thread prefix". This might give an hint how to utilize the function.
(11-03-2010 11:34 PM)x-Treme Wrote: [ -> ]allow members to filter threads by prefix.
would like to make use of the core prefix feature.

XThreads v 1.33 has this feature. I think you need to wait for it to be released.
Even we can filter thread by post icon, thread author and/or last poster.
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