This new error is replicating for every few seconds
Type: 20
File: (Line no. 0)
SQL Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'tfd.desc' in 'field list'
SELECT t.*, tfd.`desc` AS `xthreads_desc`, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, u.avatar
FROM xxx_threads t
LEFT JOIN xxx_users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
WHERE t.fid IN (4,148,149) AND t.tid IN (0,'108','11') AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 10
What is causing this?
Didn't you create a field called xthreads_desc? A description for your threads maybe?
(11-19-2010 05:24 AM)1master1 Wrote: [ -> ]What is causing this?
And from what table the
desc comes from?
yes, i created a thread desc field for a forum and i declared it correctly.
no clue, rateu
I think, when querying something, we need to know in which table the data stored..........
As said, the query doesn't know what "tfd.`desc`" is.
I presume you need to join a table for that to work.
i called the {$threaddescription) in thread view after the threadtitle in <thead>
{$threadname} - {$threaddecription}
is this causing the error?
(11-20-2010 11:59 PM)1master1 Wrote: [ -> ]i called the {$threaddescription) in thread view after the threadtitle in <thead>
{$threadname} - {$threaddecription}
is this causing the error?
Do you mean by the "thread view" is showthread page?
I think the error comes from the script.
If all you want is thread description, we already have thread description example application.
yes rateu, i used in the showthread template.
If you use the XThreads example thread description application, you can add {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['desc']} variable in your showthread template for displaying the thread description in showthread page. Or maybe, it is not what you want to do?