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When we create a user through ACP, that user is assigned with default avatar which is in .gif format only from the admin/styles/default/images/default_avatar.gif

Can we change this to .png? I tried by just uploading .png as some people said. But it didnt accepted the .png format.

Now, how can we make the acp assign default_avatar.png when we create new user and which file controls the assining of avatar?
(11-24-2010 04:56 AM)1master1 Wrote: [ -> ]When we create a user through ACP, that user is assigned with default avatar which is in .gif format only from the admin/styles/default/images/default_avatar.gif

Can we change this to .png? I tried by just uploading .png as some people said. But it didnt accepted the .png format.

Now, how can we make the acp assign default_avatar.png when we create new user and which file controls the assining of avatar?

You can find it in ADMIN_DIR/modules/user/users.php file.

But personally, I prefer to "rename" default_avatar.png to default_avatar.gif for this, and replace the old default_avatar.gif (maybe clearing cache needed for this).
You could use the Default Avatar plugin (apply the leefish changes)  or this MySQL query
Oh... I thought he asked about the default avatar in Admin CP only.
Sorry for that misunderstanding.
Yes RateU, I nearly gave the same answer as Skillz and then decided he was meaning via ACP as well...lets see what 1master1 has to say Smile

/Lee puts a dollar on RateU Tongue
i did as rateu said. i changed the format to default_avatar.gif from the original default_avatar.png.

Well, before that i executed this query to set all users to default_avatar.png

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `avatar` = '(link to avatar)' 

Everything is fine but unfortunately the avatar size in memberslist is huge than the original size we defined. This is the line of code for avatar size in memberslist.php

<img src="{$user['avatar']}" alt="" {$avatar_width_height} /> 

Now, if there any query to set the avatar size for those images in memberlist?

(11-24-2010 10:02 PM)1master1 Wrote: [ -> ]Now, if there any query to set the avatar size for those images in memberlist?
Please try to use some intuition to figure that out by yourself. (hint, look at the structure of the users table)
Smile Done
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