MyBB Hacks

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I'm trying to add this code inside one of my templates. This will display the Site's page rank:

<a name="pid{$post['pid']}" id="pid{$post['pid']}"></a>
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder" style="{$post_extra_style} {$post_visibility}" id="post_{$post['pid']}">
			<td class="tcat">
				<div class="float_left">
				Details of {$post['subject']} - <em>{$thread['threaddate']} at {$thread['threadtime']}</em>
			<td class="trow2 post_content {$unapproved_shade}">
				<div class="float_left" style="margin: 20px;">
$gpr = new pageRank();
//display image
echo $gpr->get_pr();
<div class="float_right">
<a href="{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xtldwww']}" target="_blank"><img src="images/viewforum1.png" title="Access {$post['subject']}" alt="Access {$post['subject']}" vertical-align="middle" /></a>
<div class="float_left">
<font size="3">{$post['subject']}</font>
<br />{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xtlddesc']}
<td class="trow1">
<center><A href="{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xtldwww']}"><SCRIPT type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src='{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xtldwww']}'></SCRIPT></A></center>
<td class="trow1">
<div class="author_buttons float_left">
Submitted by: {$post['profilelink']}
<div class="post_management_buttons float_right">

But it isn;t showing the image...
Here is the pagerank.php:

define('GOOGLE_MAGIC', 0xE6359A60);
class pageRank{
var $pr; 
 function zeroFill($a, $b){
 $z = hexdec(80000000);
  if ($z & $a){
   $a = ($a>>1);
   $a &= (~$z);
   $a |= 0x40000000;
   $a = ($a>>($b-1));
   $a = ($a>>$b);
 return $a;
 function mix($a,$b,$c) {
   $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= ($this->zeroFill($c,13));
   $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<8);
   $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= ($this->zeroFill($b,13));
   $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= ($this->zeroFill($c,12));
   $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<16);
   $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= ($this->zeroFill($b,5));
   $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= ($this->zeroFill($c,3));
   $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<10);
   $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= ($this->zeroFill($b,15));
   return array($a,$b,$c);
 function GoogleCH($url, $length=null, $init=GOOGLE_MAGIC) {
  if(is_null($length)) {
   $length = sizeof($url);
  $a = $b = 0x9E3779B9;
  $c = $init;
  $k = 0;
  $len = $length;
  while($len >= 12) {
   $a += ($url[$k+0] +($url[$k+1]<<8) +($url[$k+2]<<16) +($url[$k+3]<<24));
   $b += ($url[$k+4] +($url[$k+5]<<8) +($url[$k+6]<<16) +($url[$k+7]<<24));
   $c += ($url[$k+8] +($url[$k+9]<<8) +($url[$k+10]<<16)+($url[$k+11]<<24));
   $mix = $this->mix($a,$b,$c);
   $a = $mix[0]; $b = $mix[1]; $c = $mix[2];
   $k += 12;
   $len -= 12;
  $c += $length;
   case 11: $c+=($url[$k+10]<<24);
   case 10: $c+=($url[$k+9]<<16);
   case 9 : $c+=($url[$k+8]<<8);
   /* the first byte of c is reserved for the length */
   case 8 : $b+=($url[$k+7]<<24);
   case 7 : $b+=($url[$k+6]<<16);
   case 6 : $b+=($url[$k+5]<<8);
   case 5 : $b+=($url[$k+4]);
   case 4 : $a+=($url[$k+3]<<24);
   case 3 : $a+=($url[$k+2]<<16);
   case 2 : $a+=($url[$k+1]<<8);
   case 1 : $a+=($url[$k+0]);
  $mix = $this->mix($a,$b,$c);
 /* report the result */
 return $mix[2];
 //converts a string into an array of integers containing the numeric value of the char
 function strord($string) {
  for($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
   $result[$i] = ord($string{$i});
 return $result;
 function printrank($url){
  $ch = "6".$this->GoogleCH($this->strord("info:" . $url));
  $fp = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  if (!$fp) {
     echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
  } else {
     $out = "GET /search?client=navclient-auto&ch=" . $ch .  "&features=Rank&q=info:" . $url . " HTTP/1.1rn" ;
     $out .= "Host:" ;
     $out .= "Connection: Closernrn" ; 
     fwrite($fp, $out);
     while (!feof($fp)) {
       $data = fgets($fp, 128);
       $pos = strpos($data, "Rank_");
         if($pos === false){
           $pagerank = substr($data, $pos + 9);
//display pagerank image. 
 function pr_image($pagerank){
   $this->pr = "<img src=\"images/pagerank/pr\".$pagerank.\".gif\" alt=PageRank \".$pagerank.\" out of 10\">" ;
 function get_pr(){
  return $this->pr;

You can't use "php" directly into the templates, without using php template conditionals. I'll suggest you to use that php code in a separate file and call its variables in your templates.
Quote:I'll suggest you to use that php code in a separate file and call its variables in your templates.
Mhmm.. How can I do it?

Thank you.
Pretty simple Smile But have some php understanding Tongue

Try to view this simple guide to know how you could "Include" a Page.php in your MyBB;
Can I do something like this?

PHP Code:

define('IN_MYBB', 1); // (1a)
require "./global.php"; // (1b)

define('GOOGLE_MAGIC', 0xE6359A60);
class pageRank{
var $pr; 
 function zeroFill($a, $b){
 $z = hexdec(80000000);
  if ($z & $a){
   $a = ($a>>1);
   $a &= (~$z);
   $a |= 0x40000000;
   $a = ($a>>($b-1));
   $a = ($a>>$b);
 return $a;
 function mix($a,$b,$c) {
   $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= ($this->zeroFill($c,13));
   $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<8);
   $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= ($this->zeroFill($b,13));
   $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= ($this->zeroFill($c,12));
   $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<16);
   $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= ($this->zeroFill($b,5));
   $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= ($this->zeroFill($c,3));
   $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<10);
   $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= ($this->zeroFill($b,15));
   return array($a,$b,$c);
 function GoogleCH($url, $length=null, $init=GOOGLE_MAGIC) {
  if(is_null($length)) {
   $length = sizeof($url);
  $a = $b = 0x9E3779B9;
  $c = $init;
  $k = 0;
  $len = $length;
  while($len >= 12) {
   $a += ($url[$k+0] +($url[$k+1]<<8) +($url[$k+2]<<16) +($url[$k+3]<<24));
   $b += ($url[$k+4] +($url[$k+5]<<8) +($url[$k+6]<<16) +($url[$k+7]<<24));
   $c += ($url[$k+8] +($url[$k+9]<<8) +($url[$k+10]<<16)+($url[$k+11]<<24));
   $mix = $this->mix($a,$b,$c);
   $a = $mix[0]; $b = $mix[1]; $c = $mix[2];
   $k += 12;
   $len -= 12;
  $c += $length;
   case 11: $c+=($url[$k+10]<<24);
   case 10: $c+=($url[$k+9]<<16);
   case 9 : $c+=($url[$k+8]<<8);
   /* the first byte of c is reserved for the length */
   case 8 : $b+=($url[$k+7]<<24);
   case 7 : $b+=($url[$k+6]<<16);
   case 6 : $b+=($url[$k+5]<<8);
   case 5 : $b+=($url[$k+4]);
   case 4 : $a+=($url[$k+3]<<24);
   case 3 : $a+=($url[$k+2]<<16);
   case 2 : $a+=($url[$k+1]<<8);
   case 1 : $a+=($url[$k+0]);
  $mix = $this->mix($a,$b,$c);
 /* report the result */
 return $mix[2];
 //converts a string into an array of integers containing the numeric value of the char
 function strord($string) {
  for($i=0;$i<strlen($string);$i++) {
   $result[$i] = ord($string{$i});
 return $result;
 function printrank($url){
  $ch = "6".$this->GoogleCH($this->strord("info:" . $url));
  $fp = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  if (!$fp) {
     echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />n";
  } else {
     $out = "GET /search?client=navclient-auto&ch=" . $ch .  "&features=Rank&q=info:" . $url . " HTTP/1.1rn" ;
     $out .= "Host:" ;
     $out .= "Connection: Closernrn" ; 
     fwrite($fp, $out);
     while (!feof($fp)) {
       $data = fgets($fp, 128);
       $pos = strpos($data, "Rank_");
         if($pos === false){
           $pagerank = substr($data, $pos + 9);
//display pagerank image. 
 function pr_image($pagerank){
   $this->pr = "<img src=\"images/pagerank/pr\".$pagerank.\".gif\" alt=PageRank \".$pagerank.\" out of 10\">" ;
 function get_pr(){
  return $this->pr;

But how can I call the variable? I didn't understand just that part... I'm not creating a new/custom page I just need to add the code to show the image.

PHP Code:
$gpr = new pageRank();
//display image
echo $gpr->get_pr();

Reference URL's