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Full Version: Using A Plugin Or Template Edit
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If there is a plugin that do a simple thing, and actually we can do that with a simple template edit, which one do you prefer? Using a plugin or edit your template?
Now thats a tough one - I think it varies based on what the plug in IS. I don't really like editing templates, but then I don't want a plugins list full of tiny plugins. So if its a quick thing - and one I am likely to keep - and only requires editing ONE template rather than a chain of templates -  it then I would go for the template edit. If it was several templates that needed changing I would go for the plugin.
I'll prefer to edit template myself rather to use a plugin. However, editing templates through plugins are quite easy IMO.
plugins add overhead to the server and may cause problems if they are not correctly installed while replacing template files and all.
i would better edit the core files once though it looks messy Biggrin
Edit my template. Plugins like 1master1 add overhead.
Edit templates:
- no plugin overhead
- you're in control, so if a template edit doesn't work (conflicting in some way), you'll know what to do (as opposed to a plugin, which will just ignore it and continue)
- MyBB's find_replace_templatesets function, used by plugins to edit templates, is dodgy + I tend to edit into the global templateset so that it applies to all themes

- more manual work
- no automatic "uninstall" (however, as find_replace_templatesets is dodgy, uninstalls rarely work the way I envisage them to)
I think, when dealing with template, actually, we are "learning" something from it.
(12-01-2010 02:35 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]I think, when dealing with template, actually, we are "learning" something from it.

+1 Smile
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