I know, they're getting "smarter" these days. I've noticed some that will quote others and add links in the quotes, as most people skim over quotes and probably won't notice the links.
I'm only wondering when they'll start changing the colours of links so that they're even less noticeable to admin staff...
I'm sorry for this noob question, Yumi. But... are they a real human (human spammer) or bot spammer?
Considering it seems to be from countries like India, I suspect human spammers. Certainly, the more complex ones probably are cheaper to do with humans than to try to code a complex bot to do the trick.
Is there any possibility for them to spam a non English forum?
I would say so since they're after the links, though I don't visit non-English forums so I don't know.
(03-16-2011 11:26 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I would say so since they're after the links Yumi Spam!, though I don't visit non-English forums so I don't know.
Direi così da they' Re dopo i collegamenti, benchè I don' tribune non-Inglesi di chiamata di t così
OMFG: more Yumi Spam! io don' la t sa.