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Full Version: [req] Sort by: First Post Edit Time?
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Hey, copypasting my request from Tongue
Hey there! I saw a feature like this in another site and found it to be a pretty cool feature. Kind of useful for anyone who shares some creative works and whatnot.

I don't really have the know-how to do this sort of thing, so I was wondering if it's possible to pull off making a plugin which adds an option to sort by "first post edit time" to certain pages such as forumdisplay.
You want a table with last updated first posts on your forum display?
Nope, just a sorting option to sort threads by last updated first posts.
So what if a first post was never edited?
Oh man, I've... never really thought about that. I feel pretty stupid, actually. XD Perhaps it could be sorted out by thread creation date then? (Edit 2 (1:52pm EST edit): if the first post of a thread was never edited, I mean.)

Edit: Probably like a combination of thread start dates and first post edit dates.
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