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trying to upgrade from 1.32 to 1.337 gave an database change error

Site has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
    1060 - Duplicate column name 'tabstop'
    ALTER TABLE `nstdb_threadfields` ADD COLUMN ( `tabstop` tinyint(1) not null default 1 )

had 2 custom xthread fields and the tabstop is not null for both. tabstop(1)

need help in upgrading

You need to drop the tabstop column from your threadfields table.
As an alternative, I think you can edit the XThreads upgrader file.

Not quite sure why you have this problem.
thanks rateu, sorted out by removing the db lines in upgrader file. well, i too wondered why it happened like that.
Not quite sure. It doesn't happen to me when upgrading 1.32 to 1.337.
Maybe you've used a development version (XThreads in github) before (when it is still 1.3*)?
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