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Full Version: Changing the layout help
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Hey guys, I'm willing to make some changes to the forums layout to make it looks like the picture bellow:
[Image: 45362673.png]

I'm unable to make it align the right way all I got is all the forums on the left/right/center side or like the screen bellow:
[Image: 87737651.png]

Here is the code I have for forumbit_depth2_forum:

<td class="{$bgcolor}" valign="center" align="left" style="white-space: norwap" width="10px"></td>
<td class="{$bgcolor}" style="width: 330px;">
<strong><a href="{$forum_url}">{$forum['name']}</a></strong>
<img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}" style="margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 1px;" />
<div class="smalltext">{$forum['description']}</div>
We have a total of <strong>{$posts}</strong> posts and <strong>{$threads}</strong> threads in this forum.

Here is the code I have for forumbit_depth1_cat:

<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead" colspan="5">
<div><strong><a href="{$forum_url}">{$forum['name']}</a></strong><br /><div class="smalltext">{$forum['description']}</div></div>
<tbody style="{$expdisplay}" id="cat_{$forum['fid']}_e">
<br />

Thank you for your help.

I think you need to use float there.
[Image: semttulodz.png]

Code used forumbit_depth2_forum:

<td class="{$bgcolor}" style="float: left;" width="33%">
<strong><a href="{$forum_url}">{$forum['name']}</a></strong>
<img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$lightbulb['folder']}.gif" alt="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" title="{$lightbulb['altonoff']}" class="ajax_mark_read" id="mark_read_{$forum['fid']}" style="margin-left: 3px; margin-top: 1px;" />
<div class="smalltext">{$forum['description']}</div>
<if $forum['linkto'] == '' then>
We have a total of <strong>{$posts}<span style="color: red;">{$unapproved['unapproved_posts']}</span></strong> posts and <strong>{$threads}<span style="color: red;">{$unapproved['unapproved_threads']}</span></strong> threads in this forum.
<b>Redirected Users:</b> {$forum['linktohits']}

Try to use the float inside the div. Wrap the template with the div.
Maybe you need to modify your forumbit_depth1_cat too.
Reference URL's