This plugin will add an extra checkbox, for users (and mods/admins), when posting/editing a post, to allow the post to be editable by everyone (note, guests not included).
Others editing the post cannot change the "editable" status.
This is useful if you have some post which is to be maintained by more than one non-moderator.
If you're afraid of misuse, you can use this with the
Edit History plugin.
Where'd you come up for the idea for this one?
I like the idea, because forums with large clubs and stuff could use it, but I'd rather only alow members specified by the poster to do it. Nice plugin though.
Someone wanted a Wiki style posts...
Unfortunately, making it so that only specified people can edit, is a little ugly to implement.
Thanks though

You have a great talent, and I'm looking forward to experimenting with this.
Thank you.
I have problems with the plugin. What have I done ?
First I uploaded and activated the plugin. It was running, but it was in english.
So I have deactivated the plugin because I wanted to translate the text in german. I uploaded the new php.
After that I had the problem, that there was the old english version AND also the German version in the threats.
After this I deactivated the plugin, but now the english version is active anymore.
What can I do ?
Can you give your translated files?
I don't think this plugin was designed to be translatable, so that may have issues (need to check that).
Nice, but can you specify which forums you can publicly edit and which not to? Because I don't really want the announcements forum to editable.
(06-27-2008 10:13 AM)KnightLoom Wrote: [ -> ]Nice, but can you specify which forums you can publicly edit and which not to? Because I don't really want the announcements forum to editable.
Users specify whether they want their post edited or not, so just tell whoever posts in your announcements forum not to tick that checkbox.