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Here's my function:

PHP Code:
function htmlposts_parse(&$message)
	global $mybb, $db;
	global $post;
	$mypost =& $post;
	if (empty($mypost))
		return; // we're not in postbit so get out of here
	// if not blank, check if we're in a forum that's affected
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums'] != '')
		$forums = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['fid'], $forums))
	if ($mybb->user['uid'] != 1) return; // as I'm testing, I better just test it myself, alone :(
	global $parser;
	// Control the parser options to allow HTML in this post
	// Inspiration came from PHP in Templates by zinga burga
	if (!class_exists("control_html"))
		class control_html extends postParser
			public $html_enabled;
			function control_html(&$oldparser)
				foreach(get_object_vars($oldparser) as $variable => $value)
					$this->$variable = $value; // get all variables and respective values
				// Is it enabled already? Save it in a var to later disallow disabling
				$this->html_enabled = $this->options['allow_html'];
			function set_html($status)
				$status = (int)$status;
				if ($status != 0 && $status != 1) return false;
				// if we're trying to disable it but it's enabled by default, disallow the action
				if ($status == 0 && $this->html_enabled == 1)
					return false;
				// Set to desired status
				$this->options['allow_html'] = $status;
				return true;
	// If this method doesn't exist, then we haven't instantiated our new parser object
	if (method_exists($parser, 'set_html') === false)
		$parser = new control_html($parser);
	// is the post author in a group allowed to post HTML?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'] != '' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'xmlhttp.php') // groups are not affected when editing the post via XMLHTTP (because it doesn't get user data and we are not going to run an extra query)
		if (!htmlposts_check_permissions($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'], $mypost))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// is the post author allowed to have HTML in posts?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids'] != '')
		$uids = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['uid'], $uids))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// Enable HTML for allowed users :)

If I output $parser->options at the end of the function, allow_html is set to 1, however if I get outside of it, it is back to 0.

This is where the function runs in class_parser.php

PHP Code:
$message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message_start", $message);

I put a die after that and it is back to 0 as I said above.

Any idea why? I'm pulling my hairs off. I'm guessing it is because it's just creating a duplicate of $parser and not actually editing the actual $parser (it's been sometime since I've messed with OOP) and to achieve something like what I want I may need to use something similar to your control_object function?

Tried your control_object function and I'm getting the same problem:

PHP Code:
// ZiNgA BuRgA's amazing control_object function
if(!function_exists('control_object')) {
	function control_object(&$obj, $code) {
		static $cnt = 0;
		$newname = '_objcont_'.(++$cnt);
		$objserial = serialize($obj);
		$classname = get_class($obj);
		$checkstr = 'O:'.strlen($classname).':"'.$classname.'":';
		$checkstr_len = strlen($checkstr);
		if(substr($objserial, 0, $checkstr_len) == $checkstr) {
			$vars = array();
			// grab resources/object etc, stripping scope info from keys
			foreach((array)$obj as $k => $v) {
				if($p = strrpos($k, "\0"))
					$k = substr($k, $p+1);
				$vars[$k] = $v;
				$code .= '
					function ___setvars(&$a) {
						foreach($a as $k => &$v)
							$this->$k = $v;
			eval('class '.$newname.' extends '.$classname.' {'.$code.'}');
			$obj = unserialize('O:'.strlen($newname).':"'.$newname.'":'.substr($objserial, $checkstr_len));
		// else not a valid object or PHP serialize has changed

function htmlposts_parse(&$message)
	global $mybb, $db;
	global $post;
	$mypost =& $post;
	if (empty($mypost))
		return; // we're not in postbit so get out of here
	// if not blank, check if we're in a forum that's affected
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums'] != '')
		$forums = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['fid'], $forums))
	if ($mybb->user['uid'] != 1) return; // as I'm testing, I better just test it myself, alone :(
	global $parser;
	// Control the parser options to allow HTML in this post
	// Inspiration came from PHP in Templates by zinga burga
	/*if (!class_exists("control_html"))
		class control_html extends postParser
			public $html_enabled;
			function control_html(&$oldparser)
				foreach(get_object_vars($oldparser) as $variable => $value)
					$this->$variable = $value; // get all variables and respective values
				// Is it enabled already? Save it in a var to later disallow disabling
				$this->html_enabled = $this->options['allow_html'];
			function set_html($status)
				$status = (int)$status;
				if ($status != 0 && $status != 1) return false;
				// if we're trying to disable it but it's enabled by default, disallow the action
				if ($status == 0 && $this->html_enabled == 1)
					return false;
				// Set to desired status
				$this->options['allow_html'] = $status;
				return true;
	// If this method doesn't exist, then we haven't instantiated our new parser object
	if (method_exists($parser, 'set_html') === false)
		control_object($parser, '
				public $html_enabled;
				function control_html()
					// Is it enabled already? Save it in a var to later disallow disabling
					$this->html_enabled = $this->options[\'allow_html\'];
				function set_html($status)
					$status = (int)$status;
					if ($status != 0 && $status != 1) return false;
					// if we\'re trying to disable it but it\'s enabled by default, disallow the action
					if ($status == 0 && $this->html_enabled == 1)
						return false;
					// Set to desired status
					$this->options[\'allow_html\'] = $status;
					return true;
	// is the post author in a group allowed to post HTML?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'] != '' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'xmlhttp.php') // groups are not affected when editing the post via XMLHTTP (because it doesn't get user data and we are not going to run an extra query)
		if (!htmlposts_check_permissions($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'], $mypost))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// is the post author allowed to have HTML in posts?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids'] != '')
		$uids = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['uid'], $uids))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// Enable HTML for allowed users :)

Yes, I did it haha. (it doesn't use the control_object function, I was missing a & to make sure it didn't create a copy of the options in the child)
Here's my code for those interested:

PHP Code:
function htmlposts_parse(&$message)
	global $mybb, $db;
	global $post;
	$mypost =& $post;
	if (empty($mypost))
		return; // we're not in postbit so get out of here
	// if not blank, check if we're in a forum that's affected
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums'] != '')
		$forums = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['fid'], $forums))
	if ($mybb->user['uid'] != 1) return; // as I'm testing, I better just test it myself, alone :(
	global $parser;
	// Control the parser options to allow HTML in this post
	// Inspiration came from PHP in Templates by zinga burga
	if (!class_exists("control_html"))
		class control_html extends postParser
			public $html_enabled;
			public $myoptions;
			function control_html(&$oldparser)
				foreach(get_object_vars($oldparser) as $variable => $value)
					$this->$variable = $value; // get all variables and respective values
					if ($variable == "options")
						$this->myoptions =& $oldparser->$variable;
				// Is it enabled already? Save it in a var to later disallow disabling
				$this->html_enabled = $this->myoptions['allow_html'];
			function set_html($status)
				$status = (int)$status;
				if ($status != 0 && $status != 1) return false;
				// if we're trying to disable it but it's enabled by default, disallow the action
				if ($status == 0 && $this->html_enabled == 1)
					return false;
				// Set to desired status
				$this->myoptions['allow_html'] = $status;
				return true;
	// If this method doesn't exist, then we haven't instantiated our new parser object
	if (method_exists($parser, 'set_html') === false)
		$parser = new control_html($parser);
	// is the post author in a group allowed to post HTML?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'] != '' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'xmlhttp.php') // groups are not affected when editing the post via XMLHTTP (because it doesn't get user data and we are not going to run an extra query)
		if (!htmlposts_check_permissions($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'], $mypost))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// is the post author allowed to have HTML in posts?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids'] != '')
		$uids = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['uid'], $uids))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// Enable HTML for allowed users :)

I'm not terribly sure why you're subclassing in the first case though.
You're not actually overwriting any functions here.  Perhaps if you're aiming for compatibility with MyBB 1.6.0, I could see why, but I believe the $parser->options was made public in 1.6.1 from memory, so you could just overwrite it directly without whacky control methods.
(02-17-2011 09:24 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not terribly sure why you're subclassing in the first case though.
You're not actually overwriting any functions here.  Perhaps if you're aiming for compatibility with MyBB 1.6.0, I could see why, but I believe the $parser->options was made public in 1.6.1 from memory, so you could just overwrite it directly without whacky control methods.

I feel bad now.
Does the method above work for a private $options ? (the last method I posted)

Tried it myself and it didn't work, not sure why but I don't have time to find out if get_object_vars retreives non-public variables so decided to re-write it, only for 1.6, here it is:

PHP Code:
function htmlposts_parse(&$message)
	global $mybb, $db;
	global $post;
	$mypost =& $post;
	if (empty($mypost))
		return; // we're not in postbit so get out of here
	// if not blank, check if we're in a forum that's affected
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums'] != '')
		$forums = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_forums']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['fid'], $forums))
	global $parser, $control_html;
	// Create a new class to control the parser options easily
	if (!class_exists("control_html"))
		class control_html
			public $html_enabled;
			function control_html()
				// Is it enabled already? Save it in a var to later disallow disabling
				$this->html_enabled = $parser->options['allow_html'];
			function set_html($status)
				$status = (int)$status;
				if ($status != 0 && $status != 1) return false;
				// if we're trying to disable it but it's enabled by default, disallow the action
				if ($status == 0 && $this->html_enabled == 1)
					return false;
				global $parser;
				// Set to desired status
				$parser->options['allow_html'] = $status;
				return true;
	// Create object if it doesn't exist
	if (!is_object($control_html))
		$control_html = new control_html();
	// is the post author in a group allowed to post HTML?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'] != '' && THIS_SCRIPT != 'xmlhttp.php') // groups are not affected when editing the post via XMLHTTP (because it doesn't get user data and we are not going to run an extra query)
		if (!htmlposts_check_permissions($mybb->settings['htmlposts_groups'], $mypost))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// is the post author allowed to have HTML in posts?
	if ($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids'] != '')
		$uids = explode(",", trim($mybb->settings['htmlposts_uids']));
		if (!in_array($mypost['uid'], $uids))
			// Disable HTML, or at least we'll try to, the function might refuse it
	// Enable HTML for allowed users :)

Thank you for your help zinga.

Only 1.6.0 MyBB devs went stupid and decided that it's cooler to make things private.  And you can always tell 1.6.0 folk to upgrade.
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