MyBB Hacks

Full Version: PHP doesn't work... D:
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Pages: 1 2
it doesn't go D°;
Well, you're not giving enough information.

For example, you're not showing ALL code, and what template it's from.
Sorry ç_ç

Sometime i fell so stupid °-°

The template is "profile_comments_list" *-*

And all the cose is:

PHP Code:
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="opc">
<tr id="comment-{$id}" class="trow<?php echo 1+($s=($s?0:1)); ?>">

<td width="7%" valign="top"><img  src="{$comment['username']}&action=std&direction=3000004&head_direction=3000002&gesture=sml&size=s" title="{$row['username']}"></td>        
<td width="90%">{$username} <font style="font-size: 10px; color: #666666;">({$date} - {$time})</font><br />
 <div style="margin-top: 4px;">{$text}</div></td>

<td width="10%">{$delete}<br /></td></tr>


That's not a stock MyBB template.
Anyway, what output does it give?
Gives "trow2" to all the "tr"
Hmm, try replacing the two instances of $s with $GLOBALS['s']
I love you.
Pages: 1 2
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