MyBB Hacks

Full Version: Multiple inputs in Formatting Map list
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Hi all,
Is it possible to directly add multiple inputs to Formatting map list directly without going to the popup and adding it manually?

For example :-
To add this list , it will be required to add it manually in each line.

1{|}List #1
2{|}List #2
3{|}List #3
4{|}List #4
5{|}List #5
6{|}List #6
7{|}List #7
8{|}List #8
9{|}List #9
10{|}List #10
11{|}List #11
12{|}List #12

I edited the textarea in html of that field to add this in one go but it doesn't store that data once I save that custom field.
Is there any other way to store this data in one go?
You can disable Javascript temporary. Depends on your browser, maybe you need to install browser add-on for it.
Awesome Smile
It worked fine
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