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I have decided to Start improving the Thanks Mode which already Exists, but im no a good coder.

However, i have been Looking for tutorials and that all to learn how to!

Now, i have Some questions, but i wont drop them all here and now... Ill try to ask everytime i get a issue.

Starting with This:

Q How to use find_replace_templateset

i mean, how to set the string of that function, since i saw som # Symbols and im not sure about when to use preg_quote() function.

Thank you in advanced.
The function basically calls preg_replace on the various templates.  As such, the data you pass to it must be a valid PCRE regular expression.
See for more details.

If you can't be bothered learning regular expressions and don't need them, you can just use:

PHP Code:
'#'.preg_quote("put your text here", '#').'#'

as the find string.

Ty very much Tongue
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