MyBB Hacks

Full Version: Custom Online Location For A Specified User
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This is a simple way to add a custom online location for a specified user using Template Conditionals or PHP in Templates / Complex Templates plugin:

online_row template:


Replace with:

<if $user['uid'] == 1 then>Sleep<else>{$location}</if>

Modify it as our needs.

member_profile_online template:

{$location} @ {$location_time}

Replace with:

<if $memprofile['uid'] == 1 then>Sleep<else>{$location} @ {$location_time}</if>

Modify it as our needs.

Very good RateU
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No, I wouldn't use Template Conditionals for that.
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You could theoretically do almost anything with PHP in Templates, but rearranging data simply doesn't make any sense to be done from a template.
A template just puts out HTML, and HTML doesn't magically rearrange itself into groupings.

I suggest you review your phobia of plugins.
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There is something better to do with a plugin Smile
What the hell with all the monkeys? but why???

Yes, some things are good as core edits others not, and plugins are not bad - though some can be coded without full care and attention. Those are the ones to avoid as they can cause problems on your board.
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