I put code to index.php. Now how to put threadfield into tamplates (forum is based on XThreads Youtube Gallery)?
PHP Code:
$xxx_trailers = 10;
$altbg = alt_trow();
$threadlist = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT t.*, u.username
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadfields_data td ON (td.tid=t.tid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.uid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$xxx_trailers.") AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 12"
while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$thread['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['tid']);
$thread['forumlink'] = get_forum_link($thread['fid']);
if(my_strlen($thread['subject']) > 25)
$thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "...";
$thread['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']));
$forumcache = $cache->read("forums");
$thread['forumlink'] = "<a href=\"".get_forum_link($thread['fid'])."\">".$forumcache[$thread['fid']]['name']."</a>";
eval("\$xxx_trailers_threadlist .= \"".$templates->get("xxx_index_trailers_latestthreads_thread")."\";");
$altbg = alt_trow();
eval("\$xxx_trailers_latestthreads = \"".$templates->get("xxx_index_trailers_latestthreads")."\";");
eval("\$indexbox = \"".$templates->get("xxx_index_box")."\";");
My forum: http://www.filmtoks.pl
Left, down column named "zwiastuny". I want thumbail for each movie. How to make it?
it isn't thumbail. it's xthreads youtube gallery. i only need field with "uIVyZkFbqJo" (youtube movie key).
how to take it from database?
So, do you want to display YouTube Video thumbnail using the video id in your index page?
(04-14-2011 01:41 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]So, do you want to display YouTube Video thumbnail using the video id in your index page?
i can subiect, tid, message, attach, and anything, but still can't put aby xthread threadfield.
i change code:
PHP Code:
$xxx_trailers = 10;
$pids = '';
$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT p.pid, p.message, p.tid
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$xxx_trailers.") AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.firstpost=p.pid
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 12"
while($getid = $db->fetch_array($query))
$pids .= ",'{$getid['pid']}'";
$tids .= ",'{$getid['tid']}'";
$posts[$getid['tid']] = $getid;
$pids = "pid IN(0{$pids})";
$altbg = alt_trow();
$threadlist = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT t.*, u.username
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.uid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadfields_data td ON (td.tid=t.tid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$xxx_trailers.") AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 12"
while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$thread['message'] = $posts[$thread['tid']]['message'];
$thread['pid'] = $posts[$thread['tid']]['pid'];
$thread['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($thread['tid']);
$thread['forumlink'] = get_forum_link($thread['fid']);
if(my_strlen($thread['subject']) > 25)
$thread['subject'] = my_substr($thread['subject'], 0, 25) . "...";
$thread['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']));
$forumcache = $cache->read("forums");
$thread['forumlink'] = "<a href=\"".get_forum_link($thread['fid'])."\">".$forumcache[$thread['fid']]['name']."</a>";
$message = $parser->parse_message($thread['message'], $parser_options);
eval("\$xxx_trailers_threadlist .= \"".$templates->get("xxx_index_trailers_latestthreads_thread")."\";");
$altbg = alt_trow();
eval("\$xxx_trailers_latestthreads = \"".$templates->get("xxx_index_trailers_latestthreads")."\";");
eval("\$indexbox = \"".$templates->get("xxx_index_box")."\";");
(04-14-2011 03:06 AM)duhol Wrote: [ -> ]but still can't put aby xthread threadfield.
Because you need to do this:
(04-13-2011 09:38 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Of course, you'll need to actually pull the threadfield data from the query as well.
I have a very simple Most Viewed Video plugin for XThreads YouTube Video Gallery. Maybe you can modify it as your needs.
I use
ytvgalid key for the YouTube video id/URL, stored in threadfields_data table. You can see it in the query.
What can I say?
You are my personal Jezus Chrystus!
Plugin works perfect!
Glad the plugin works.
Basically, if you want to pull out any data from XThreads custom thread fields, you need to do this:
(04-13-2011 09:38 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]you'll need to actually pull the threadfield data from the query as well.
In the example plugin above, because I need to pull out the video id which is stored in ytvgalid custom thread fields, so I need to put it in the select field list in the query.
Now, you can create your own XThreads plugin