MyBB Hacks

Full Version: Exclude Forum From Latest Threads In Portal
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Requirement: XThreads
We need to install XThreads first before using this plugin.

This plugin will exclude a specified forum(s) from the Latest Threads/Discussion block in portal (personally, I don't want test threads from my Test forum displayed in this block). It doesn't add additional block, but only change the behavior of the default block.

Please tell me if there is something wrong with the code. I'm still learning Biggrin
Ah nice plugin..Smile
Few day ago I wanted the latest threads to not to show new article posted in the forums those are shown in the portal. So I edited the portal and added those forums to $unviewable variable and modified the latest thread query.

Anyways your approach is far more better than mine.. Smile
I only use Yumi's magic for this plugin. If there wasn't the magic, I need to edit the portal.php file directly too Biggrin
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